Sunday, September 2, 2007
New Skill Accomplished: Sit w/o support
Juz notice ah boy can sit up straight alone w/o our support... but he sits unstable like a 不倒翁... 1 push and he topples over... V still nid put cushioning and protection ard him so he wont hurt himself wen he loses his balance... He cant sit up on his own from his lying down position yet.. so v nid help him up to the sitting position, and let go our support to let him balance well. So v can say he achieve his sitting skills at 7mth old. Not too bad..
Next skill will be crawling.. He now can only push his buttock upwards, lift his body from the bed, and shift backward. Hope he can learn to crawl forward, then from that day onward, tink i will slim down even faster.. Reason: chasing after him all over the place.. lol... He's a very active boi, always jump on our lap wen v put him in a standing position.. n sweats alot after his jumping sessions... Not too sure if the weather is hot or he sweats easily...